CV writing guide

Places of employment (places where we have worked so far – documented), these are also listed in reverse chronological order, as well as with education, here we also provide the start and end date of work, also the name of the company, the position held in it and the scope of our duties – this is also briefly (mention), the scope of our duties in the current job, we can describe more broadly in the CV – the CV is not for that.

Not in every situation the name of the position in my current job means the same as for example in the one for which we submit a CV, it is important to mark the scope of duties that were somehow on our shoulders in the previous companies we worked for. In a few points, you can mention (not describe) what you did with equivalents of sentences (for example, in one corporation the manager is passionate about people management, and in the other, the same name of the position can mean that the manager only deals with selling or acquiring new customers).

But what to write when we are young and just starting work and do not have previous experience in any company? If we do not already have professional experience, here you need to write about internships that we had a chance to take or about internships. Men and women who are just starting their professional careers should write about each experience they have gained in this way. It is even worth mentioning the activities of student organizations in various styles, or even in scouting (certainly not with care, only real data should be written!). This type of data is very valuable for the future potential employer, because it will prove our ability to make independent choices, activity and commitment in various styles, as well as the qualifications of team work, which is very important – at every job position.

It is worth mentioning skills in a CV for a precisely specified corporation, which we do not normally include in a CV, and on which the employer may place particular emphasis.

Another point that should be included in the Curriculum Vitae are the workshops and workshops that we have gone through in the past – but you should list only those that may be relevant to the employer. Therefore, we only list courses or trainings that are important due to the position we are applying for in a given company.

In your CV you can also include information about our character traits, which may be important for your future employer. It is worth doing it only when our apprenticeship is very poor or we do not have it at all. All your other strengths and strengths should be demonstrated then. If, however, our path to professional success is very rich, then let’s skip this point in the CV much better and include this information in the cover letter (if one is required for the job information – because not every employer has the time and wants to read our CV. or cover letter).

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